Thursday, January 15, 2009

TCM for Lupus Sufferers

TCM for Lupus Sufferers

Lupus is a disease in which modern medicine has no cure, but suggests they have successful treatments. I see that people suffer greatly from Lupus. In particular, this article will deal with SLE or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

Lupus sufferers may suffer from a red, butterfly shaped rash over the nose and cheeks, joint pain, fever, chest pain, swollen glands, tiredness, hair loss, sensitivity to light low blood count, and depression, and even to damage to the internal organs such as the liver and kidney. Patients can have Lupus “flares” or an aggravation of symptoms that may be triggered by sunlight, stress, medications, infection, and hormonal changes.

Chinese medicine, since it is older than modern medicine, views Lupus in a poetic manner. The paradigm of Chinese medicine views Lupus as a form of Liver or Kidney Yin Deficiency and/or Kidney Yang Deficiency syndrome, or Heat toxins in the blood. Due to the deficiency, heat is built up in the body, causing rashes, fever, chancre sores, and fatigue. Since younger women lose blood monthly, and blood is considered a yin substance, it affects young females more severely. The sensitivity to light is because the Liver Yin deficiency affects the eyes, and the hair loss is also considered due to the Liver Yin deficiency failing to nourish the blood. Rashes can also occur due to the fact that toxins in the blood cause heat in the body and the body wishes to expel them. Lastly the joint pain is due to the fact that Yin in the body does not lubricate the joints and causes pain. Every one’s Lupus presents in a different way. Often these signs and symptoms are treated by a team of doctors, owing to the departmentalization of modern medicine. A person may see a primary treating physician, a rheumatologist, nephrologist, hematologist, dermatologist, neurologist, depending on what symptoms are presented. The departmentalization may cause a breakdown and “turf wars”, as well as problems when administering medications.

Although Chinese Medicine is often not considered or recommended for Lupus sufferers by modern medicine practitioners, many patients in China and abroad receive great relief through Chinese medicine. Many of the modern medications used in treating Lupus have adverse side effects. NSAID’s, taken for pain relief, can cause Stomach irritation and ulcers. COX-2 Inhibitors like Vioxx, can lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, even with their new and improved warning label. Steriods like Prednisone can cause weight gain, a moon face, bruising, heartburn, depression, mood swings, diabetes, joint damage, osteoporosis, and other side effects.

When doctors prescribe calcium supplements when you take steroids long term, they must be kidding. All the calcium supplements in the world will not stop osteoporosis unless there is a line of force through the skeleton to stimulate bone growth.

Anti-malarial drugs like Plaquenil can cause stomach pain, birth defects, blurring of vision, muscle weakness, and damage the retina of the eye. Immunosuppressive drugs like Cytoxin, Rheumatrex, and Imuran cause low whitye and blood cell counts causing an induced weakness of the immunity system, that allows for other host diseases like fungi, shingles, and serious infections, as well as other opportunistic infections. Cancer and Liver damage can also result from taking immunosuppressant drugs.

Chinese herbal medications and acupuncture are excellent in reducing medications and preventing flares and many of the natural herbals are gentler and have less side effects than the modern medications used. There are also numerous substitutes for the medications listed above.

Qigong and yoga practices can aid in stress reduction and help cool the body when proper exercises are chosen. Better diet can cause less flare ups, and in the Chinese medicine diagnosis, Lupus is considered a form of “Yin deficiency heat”, so that foods to produce the Yin fluids of the body are emphasized.

Acupuncture can reduce pain and inflammation, as well as reduce stress, without having to resort to additional drugs. Of course, proper eating, sleeping, healthy emotions, reducing stress, and exercise all play an important part in chronic disease like Lupus. I would strongly suggest all Lupus patients to find a good acupuncturist, herbalist and dietician/nutritionist to give them better quality of life.

Pasadena Acupuncturist Robert Chu will help patients with infertility, Cancer treatment related side effects, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, thyroid issues, and pain. Clinic hours are available, please call (626)345-0441 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.

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