Thursday, January 15, 2009

Homeopathic Medicine for Pain Management

Homeopathic Medicine for Pain Management by Robert Chu, L.Ac., Certified Clinical Homeopath


Homeopathic medicine is one of the overlooked treasures of self-help you can turn to when you're suffering from pain. Whether you're suffering from back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sprained ankle or sciatica, there is a homeopathic remedy for you. Often distributed in liquid tinctures or lactose sugar pellets, they are a safe and easy way to treat yourself with little to no side effects.


Homeopathy is the medical system discovered by a German allopathic physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, in the 1800's. Dissatisfied with the medicine of his time, he experimented with medicines that produced specific symptoms, and discovered a principle in medicine that 'Similia Similbus Curantur' which means "Like Cures Like". It means that a medicine can create similar symptoms in a healthy patient, and can cure those illness in a diseased person. Also unique in Hahnemann's work was that every cure was given in minute doses to lead the body into healing, rather than forcing the body to function unnaturally due to the strong effect of medicine. Homeopathy was used throughout Europe and with the early settlers and pioneers in the USA.
Homeopathy has now split into two major schools of thought, Classical and Clinical. Classical Homeopathy is the study of Hahnemann's early work in Europe and reflects a single remedy to fit the ailments of a person. Clinical Homeopathy is Hahnemann's later work with the combining of single remedies and using them synergistically to get a desired effect.

What you can do for your pain

Homeopathic medicines are generally distributed as pellets or liquids. If you use pellets, use as directed on a bottle. For liquid form, they use a dropper, and the dosage is in drops. Mostly homeopathic remedies are dissolved or taken under the tongue. Typical brand names in a health food store are Hyland's, Newton's, or Doliso's. These are commonly used and reliable. Newton's remedies are what I typically use, as their products reflect Hahnemann's later teaching of combining single remedies in combination, called complexes. This is referred to as "Clinical Homeopathy". "Classical Homeopathy" is the study of Hahnemann's early work in Europe and reflects a single remedy to fit the ailments of a person. If you're not sure what to choose, it is best to consult with a Certified Homeopath.

For people suffering from back pain, try using Arnica. Arnica is available as a topical cream, a lotion, and in pill or droplet form. Arnica is considered one of the best for first aid back pain relief. Bryonia is also considered a good remedy if you have a cough, or a cold along with back pain. Nux Vomica is also a good choice for backpain, especially at niught and that interferes with your sleeping. The Newton Aches and Pains Relief Complex is a good clinical homeopathic remedy for backache from all round strains, nerve injury, or strenuous workouts.

For those with shooting neck pain, Belladonna is the choice. Guaiacum is a great remedy for stiff neck due to cold. And for those with chronic neck pain due to spondylosis, Calc Carb is the best choice. Newton's Muscle Ease is a simple remedy for those who have muscle tension, due to stress and overexertion.

For those with tearing burning stiffness and shoulder pain, it is best to use Rhus Tox. With shoulder pain radiating to the whole arm with weakness, choose Chelkidonium. Of course, the Newton Aches and Pains Relief Complex is can be used for all round shoulder and neck pain.

For a sprained ankle with stiffness and swelling, use Rhus Tox. For weak anklwes susceptible to sprain, use Ledum. Weal ankle tendons and ligaments indivcate the use of Ruta. The Newton Aches and Pains Relief Complex, along with Arnica cream can work wonders.

For acute cases of sciatica, the remedy of choice is to use Colocynthis. Of course the forementioned Belladonna and Ruta also work well, along with any of the mentioned backache remedies. Newton's Sciatica Relief is great for the inflammation of the nerve in the lower back and leg.


By having a handful of these useful remedies, you can treat yourself at home, and have lasting results from acute injury, recovering from an injury, or deal with a chronic problem. In a pinch, the Arnica Cream is one to have at all times for any aches and pains.

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