Thursday, January 15, 2009

Advice for Acne

Advice for Acne

For a clearer complexion… by Dr. Robert Chu

Contrary to modern medicine’s assessment that sugar or chocolate does not cause acne, in the Chinese Medicine paradigm if you ingest substances that are excessively sweet, spicy and greasy, they will cause Damp-Heat in the body.

Throughout my articles I discuss the poetic nature of Chinese Medicine and the various syndromes that are labeled in metaphoric terms. Dampness in the body is caused by consuming sweet flavors. When the dampness in the body persists for a while, it may cause additional heat, causing a combination of Damp-Heat in the body. Damp Heat signs and symptoms include oily skin, aversion to heat, thirst, red tongue with greasy coating, and a rapid, wiry pulse. This, of course, can lead to red inflamed acne filled with pus. In Chinese medicine terms, the red, inflamed is heat; the pus is dampness and toxins. To solve the problem, Chinese Medicine strives for balance in the body and wants to take away excessive dampness, heat and toxins to bring the body back to proper homeostasis.

During the adolescent years, teenagers may consume a lot of junk food – often with excessive intake of sugary beverages like sodas, sports drinks and juices, greasy foods like pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, cheese steaks, french fries and spicy foods like salsa, chips, burritos and tacos. I am not singling out the fast food industry, but I am pointing out the potential risks that such a diet can hold for an unsuspecting individual. Adding chocolate, candy and other empty calorie foods, one can easily have a face full of zits and pustular acne. Coffee, especially with cream and sugar can also increase damp heat. Alcohol consumption also produces dampness and heat in the body, plus it breaks down into sugar during digestion. Spicy foods add to heat, sugary foods add to dampness, and greasy foods also contribute to dampness. So with this combination, the resulting damp heat in the body can lead to acne.

The best thing is a change in diet. Eating foods that are less greasy and less heat producing can clear the skin. Certain foods have heat clearing properties. For example, cucumbers are cooling and provide moisture. Bitter vegetables like spinach, chicory, kale, watercress can also clear heat from the body. Eating salads and steamed vegetables will clear out excessive oily or greasy diet, and also cool the body down. Less consumption of meats, also cuts down on the greasy properties which build up in the body. Avoiding excessive sugary drinks and more intake of water can lead to clearer skin.

Herbs and acupuncture can be done to release the damp heat and toxins in the body. Herbs such as Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis), Huang Qin (Radix Scutellariae), Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae), and Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) are common herbs that clear damp heat and toxins in the body. The Chinese herbal preparations Huang Lian Jie Du Pian, Huang Qin Shang Qing Wan and Si Huang Pian are commonly used in the treatment of acne. Acupuncture would not be applied to the face, but rather, to the hands and feet and mostly in the stomach and large intestine channels, especially when done by a Tung Acupuncture practitioner. It would best to contact with a licensed acupuncturist and/or herbalist to consult about this. Taking antibiotics can ruin the intestinal flora and lead to issues such as gas, flatulence, bloating, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, indigestion and a host of other problems, so it may not be the best idea to take antibiotics for clearing up acne.

So the solution is not more acne clearing cleansers, antibiotics, face masks or chemical peels, but a more regulated diet. Add to that, proper rest, as this serves to rejuvenate the body. Exercise also benefits a clear complexion, as it serves to help rid toxins in the body. Having less stress and good emotions, can also help. If you are not able to avoid stress, at least change the way you react to stress. Stress and strong emotions leads to heat and toxins in the body. By having a balanced diet, proper rest, good exercise, reducing stress, one can enjoy beautiful radiant skin.

Pasadena Acupuncturist Robert Chu will help patients with infertility, Cancer treatment related side effects, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, thyroid issues, and pain. Clinic hours are available, please call (626)345-0441 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.

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