Thursday, January 15, 2009

3 Simple Exercises for Back Pain

Perhaps you’ve had a hard day, you had to shovel the walk, dig your car out of the snow, mailed a few packages, and had to take your in-laws around town. You’re tired, and you feel your back is about to go out.

Or its been a cold day, or rainy and damp outside, and you got soaked – you’re tired and out of it and you feel you back is just about to give out.

Or you’re carrying a few extra pounds from all the holiday feasting, and putting strain on your back muscles, joints and ligaments।

What you need to do is immediately do a few exercises that will help loosen you up and restore your posture. You can do these before you’ve run to your pain relievers or muscles relaxants. You don’t even need a personal trainer or gym membership or visit to the doctor. A few relaxed sets of these exercises can immediately make you feel better.

These golden exercises include deep knee bends, waist twists and hip rolls।

Do these three treasures is a great way to get the blood moving, release endorphins, and help you detox.Since they deal with moving the major muscle groups and the core, you can do them anytime with varying degrees of difficulty to adjust as you get more accustomed to the exercises.
These exercises promote blood circulation and release muscle tightness and spasms। Done regularly, they will increase your health and fitness and help you tone your body। You will feel warmer and they will even help you in digestion, as the exercises help the moving action of the intestines, and help you move your bowels to further aid you in detoxing. Exercise one: Do some gentle, relaxed knee bends, but do them assisted with a chair or table or desk. Stand up in a relaxed shoulder width position and place your hands on the support. Tighten your stomach muscles and exhale, while going down as far as you can without falling, straining or straining your knees. Then inhale and stand up again. Do 10 of these, and then move onto the next exercise.

Exercise two: Stand back away from your support and stand in a shoulder width starting position. Stand up straight, tighten your ab muscles and put your hands on your hips. Imagine you have a hula hoop, or are doing the hula, and go clockwise 5 times, then go the other way 5 times. Relax and smile, and breathe naturally with the exercise.
Exercise three: With your hands relaxed at your sides, and standing about shoulder width, you simply start swinging your arms right then left and pat both hands on your lower back, preferably over the kidneys. Don’t swing or pat too hard, just a relaxed easy motion! Just breathe naturally and relax! This is an exercise Master Miyagi taught Daniel in Karate Kid 2 – swinging your arms back and forth like a toy drum. Simply do a count of 10, and then relax.
The complete series of these golden exercises takes about 2 minutes to complete. Initially, try to do the exercises 3 times a day. When you get better, you can try them once for every hour that you’re awake, which would be about 10 to 14 sets a day. Take an exercise break, rather than a coffee or cigarette break and you’ll be delighted on how good your low back feels.

Pasadena, CA Acupuncturist Robert Chu will help patients with pain issues, infertility, Cancer treatment related side effects, and cardiovascular problems, please call (626) 345-0441 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation।

10 Tips to Overcome Morning Stiffness

10 Tips to Overcome Morning Stiffness by Robert Chu, L.Ac. QME

Perhaps you’ve helped your friend move yesterday, or you have fibromyalgia, or arthritis, or just plain sore from gardening, you might find it hard to get about in the morning. According to the American College of Rheumatology, Fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million, or as many as one in 50 Americans, with seven times more the frequency in women than in men. According to the NHIS, by 2030, an estimated 67 million Americans ages 18 years or older are projected to have doctor-diagnosed arthritis. That’s certainly a lot!

It can take you hours to "warm up" or "move easily" so to speak, and generally, most people reach for muscle relaxants, pain relievers, or topical creams and sprays. And it’s doubly hard when you have to take care of the kids or get going to work.

The basic causes of morning stiffness are lack of exercise, being overweight, having a poor diet, not sleeping properly, a prevalence of coldness or dampness in the environment. Lack of exercise in general does not allow you to rid the body of toxins which can build up in the joints and cause gout. Being overweight is difficult because you are carrying unnecessary weight, which puts a strain on joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. A poor diet, generally high in simple carbs and causes weak muscles, bad posture and lethargy. Poor sleep and poor sleeping posture can lock your body in a bad position for hours, causing reduced blood flow to the local muscles, and a buildup of lactic acid, causing stiffness. A cold or damp environment causes muscle stiffness because the coldness or dampness affects the blood flow to the area.

You can be happy to know you’re not the only one who is painfully stiff in the morning, and what is causing this can be avoided or corrected... here are 10 things you can do.

1) Take a hot shower. This serves as a means to induce sweating and release the muscles, as well as increase the blood circulation.

2) Do some easy stretches while lying in bed, then sitting up in bed. This will stretch and loosen the muscles and help flush them with more blood.

3) Promote good sleeping habits. This means that sleep time is not think time or time to think about relationships, work, the kids, etc. Get those out of the way first before you sleep.

4) Drink the best water you can get. Often the tap water in our cities is not the freshest or safest. Even cities like Los Angeles have traces of psychiatric medicines and estrogenic-like compounds. Drink either bottled water or reverse osmosis filtered water.

5) Force yourself to do some gentle deep knee bends. You don’t have to go all the way down, and the idea is to do these assisted with a chair or table, or counter. These exercise almost 90% of the skeletal muscles. Find a counter, table or chair and use your hands for support. Then exhale and squat as low as you can go, then inhale and stand up again. Do 10 of these and these will get the morning blood flowing.

6) Sleep with a portable heater in your room if your bedroom is particularly drafty or damp.

7) Eat better. Cut down on simple carbohydrates, and start reading labels. Simply eliminate the foods with artificial color, artificial flavors and artificial sweeteners (High fructose corn syrup, crystalline fructose, and aspartame) and enriched white flour. If you don’t know what it is, or have difficulty pronouncing it, avoid ingesting it.

8) Get some therapy for stress or emotional problems, so that you’re not lying awake all night thinking about your problems. Learn how to deal with toxic people in your life.

9) Get some regular exercise. The idea is to go out and do some regular exercise, as all exercise is cumulative. Even a simple routine of 10000 steps a day (buy a pedometer!) will improve your health greatly!

10) Be the fashion police! You want to dress appropriately for these cold months, and you might do well to sleep in flannel pajamas or sweats.

These simple tips followed with a little dedication, along with some minor lifestyle changes and changes to the living environment, can help you overcome morning stiffness in no time.

Homeopathic Medicine for Pain Management

Homeopathic Medicine for Pain Management by Robert Chu, L.Ac., Certified Clinical Homeopath


Homeopathic medicine is one of the overlooked treasures of self-help you can turn to when you're suffering from pain. Whether you're suffering from back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sprained ankle or sciatica, there is a homeopathic remedy for you. Often distributed in liquid tinctures or lactose sugar pellets, they are a safe and easy way to treat yourself with little to no side effects.


Homeopathy is the medical system discovered by a German allopathic physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, in the 1800's. Dissatisfied with the medicine of his time, he experimented with medicines that produced specific symptoms, and discovered a principle in medicine that 'Similia Similbus Curantur' which means "Like Cures Like". It means that a medicine can create similar symptoms in a healthy patient, and can cure those illness in a diseased person. Also unique in Hahnemann's work was that every cure was given in minute doses to lead the body into healing, rather than forcing the body to function unnaturally due to the strong effect of medicine. Homeopathy was used throughout Europe and with the early settlers and pioneers in the USA.
Homeopathy has now split into two major schools of thought, Classical and Clinical. Classical Homeopathy is the study of Hahnemann's early work in Europe and reflects a single remedy to fit the ailments of a person. Clinical Homeopathy is Hahnemann's later work with the combining of single remedies and using them synergistically to get a desired effect.

What you can do for your pain

Homeopathic medicines are generally distributed as pellets or liquids. If you use pellets, use as directed on a bottle. For liquid form, they use a dropper, and the dosage is in drops. Mostly homeopathic remedies are dissolved or taken under the tongue. Typical brand names in a health food store are Hyland's, Newton's, or Doliso's. These are commonly used and reliable. Newton's remedies are what I typically use, as their products reflect Hahnemann's later teaching of combining single remedies in combination, called complexes. This is referred to as "Clinical Homeopathy". "Classical Homeopathy" is the study of Hahnemann's early work in Europe and reflects a single remedy to fit the ailments of a person. If you're not sure what to choose, it is best to consult with a Certified Homeopath.

For people suffering from back pain, try using Arnica. Arnica is available as a topical cream, a lotion, and in pill or droplet form. Arnica is considered one of the best for first aid back pain relief. Bryonia is also considered a good remedy if you have a cough, or a cold along with back pain. Nux Vomica is also a good choice for backpain, especially at niught and that interferes with your sleeping. The Newton Aches and Pains Relief Complex is a good clinical homeopathic remedy for backache from all round strains, nerve injury, or strenuous workouts.

For those with shooting neck pain, Belladonna is the choice. Guaiacum is a great remedy for stiff neck due to cold. And for those with chronic neck pain due to spondylosis, Calc Carb is the best choice. Newton's Muscle Ease is a simple remedy for those who have muscle tension, due to stress and overexertion.

For those with tearing burning stiffness and shoulder pain, it is best to use Rhus Tox. With shoulder pain radiating to the whole arm with weakness, choose Chelkidonium. Of course, the Newton Aches and Pains Relief Complex is can be used for all round shoulder and neck pain.

For a sprained ankle with stiffness and swelling, use Rhus Tox. For weak anklwes susceptible to sprain, use Ledum. Weal ankle tendons and ligaments indivcate the use of Ruta. The Newton Aches and Pains Relief Complex, along with Arnica cream can work wonders.

For acute cases of sciatica, the remedy of choice is to use Colocynthis. Of course the forementioned Belladonna and Ruta also work well, along with any of the mentioned backache remedies. Newton's Sciatica Relief is great for the inflammation of the nerve in the lower back and leg.


By having a handful of these useful remedies, you can treat yourself at home, and have lasting results from acute injury, recovering from an injury, or deal with a chronic problem. In a pinch, the Arnica Cream is one to have at all times for any aches and pains.

Acupuncture and Low Back Pain

Acupuncture and Low Back Pain by Robert Chu, PhD, L.Ac., QME


Acupuncture is one of the treasures of complementary medicine if you're suffering from low back pain. Whether you're suffering from acute or chronic problems there is a treatment for you. Often, treatment involves treating the Kidney energy system, which may or may not have anything to do with you actual physical kidneys.


Perhaps you're suffering from muscle pain or pinched nerve, or you've overworked, are fatigued and strained your back. Or you were exposed to cold, damp conditions the winter brings and your back hurts. These can all be treated with Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.

In Chinese Medicine diagnosis, if you have back pain, you could also have what is called Kidney Yang Deficiency, which is not uncommon.

Signs and symptoms of Kidney Yang Deficiency in addition to the low back pain also include dark circles under the eyes, diarrhea at the early morning hours, cold hands and feet, low energy, a pale complexion, difficulty hearing, a general feeling of cold, a low libido, and frequent urination.

One gets Kidney Yang deficiency through too much sex, overwork, fatigue, poor diet, lack of exercise, too much stress, unhealthy emotions, dressing poorly in cold weather, and ignoring a proper lifestyle of good diet, exercise and rest. Frequent masturbation or too many sexual partners is common and weakens the kidney energy with each orgasm. When one furthers that with abuse of the body through drugs, alcohol or partying too late in an attempt to release stress or escape problems, too often, Kidney energy problems arise.


Your Kidney energy gets deficient and needs to be harmonized through treatment of acupuncture and herbal therapy.

Acupuncture is done locally on the back, but the best acupuncturists don't needle the affected area. Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system and sends a signal to the brain, which is responsible for homeostasis. A good acupuncture treatment can have an almost instantaneous effect in some acute cases. In chronic conditions that may have taken years to develop, treatment may take longer. It is best to consult with a Licensed Acupuncturist in your area.

Herbs that are given are usually in the form of capsules or BB sized teapills, which are administered for your specific condition, although some Chinese medicine practitioners still prescribe raw herbs or powders. I find that if pills and capsules are used, there is no need to be inconvenienced by the taste, smell and time preparing raw herbs.

Although herbs are natural substances, they can be dangerous if wrongly or self prescribed. Again, it is wise to consult a licensed professional, especially if you are already taking other medications.

Herbs are combined with other herbs of similar function to reduce the danger of toxicity and increase synergistic effect. Herbals are also available as lotions, liniments, herbal wraps, patches and pastes that may be used externally, depending on your condition.

Other Physical Medicine

Practitioners may also use moxibustion, a form of heat therapy near the acupuncture points, to stimulate healing, depending upon the ailment. Other techniques include cupping, massage and manipulation therapy, to align the skeleton.


By consulting with a Licensed Acupuncturist, you can be on your way to lasting results from acute injury, recovering from an injury, or dealing with a chronic problem. A good Licensed Acupuncturist will often also prescribe the proper herbs you need, along with diet, exercise and lifestyle changes that you would benefit from.

Clinic hours are available, please call (626)345-0441 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.

Clinic Address and Contact Info

Clinic Address and Contact Info

Robert Chu, PhD, L.Ac., QME
2502 East Washington Boulevard
Pasadena, CA 91104 U.S.A.
Clinic: (626) 345-0441
Fax: (626) 345-0442
Cell/VM: (626) 487-1815

Please call for an appointment. Closed for lunch from 12 noon - 2:00 p.m.

Specializing in Infertility, Cancer Treatment Side effects, cardiovascular/diabetes, pain management. Offering Acupuncture, Herbal Therapy, Acupressure, Tui Na, Nutrition, Counseling, Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching.

Robert Chu, PhD, L.Ac., QME

TCM for Lupus Sufferers

TCM for Lupus Sufferers

Lupus is a disease in which modern medicine has no cure, but suggests they have successful treatments. I see that people suffer greatly from Lupus. In particular, this article will deal with SLE or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

Lupus sufferers may suffer from a red, butterfly shaped rash over the nose and cheeks, joint pain, fever, chest pain, swollen glands, tiredness, hair loss, sensitivity to light low blood count, and depression, and even to damage to the internal organs such as the liver and kidney. Patients can have Lupus “flares” or an aggravation of symptoms that may be triggered by sunlight, stress, medications, infection, and hormonal changes.

Chinese medicine, since it is older than modern medicine, views Lupus in a poetic manner. The paradigm of Chinese medicine views Lupus as a form of Liver or Kidney Yin Deficiency and/or Kidney Yang Deficiency syndrome, or Heat toxins in the blood. Due to the deficiency, heat is built up in the body, causing rashes, fever, chancre sores, and fatigue. Since younger women lose blood monthly, and blood is considered a yin substance, it affects young females more severely. The sensitivity to light is because the Liver Yin deficiency affects the eyes, and the hair loss is also considered due to the Liver Yin deficiency failing to nourish the blood. Rashes can also occur due to the fact that toxins in the blood cause heat in the body and the body wishes to expel them. Lastly the joint pain is due to the fact that Yin in the body does not lubricate the joints and causes pain. Every one’s Lupus presents in a different way. Often these signs and symptoms are treated by a team of doctors, owing to the departmentalization of modern medicine. A person may see a primary treating physician, a rheumatologist, nephrologist, hematologist, dermatologist, neurologist, depending on what symptoms are presented. The departmentalization may cause a breakdown and “turf wars”, as well as problems when administering medications.

Although Chinese Medicine is often not considered or recommended for Lupus sufferers by modern medicine practitioners, many patients in China and abroad receive great relief through Chinese medicine. Many of the modern medications used in treating Lupus have adverse side effects. NSAID’s, taken for pain relief, can cause Stomach irritation and ulcers. COX-2 Inhibitors like Vioxx, can lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, even with their new and improved warning label. Steriods like Prednisone can cause weight gain, a moon face, bruising, heartburn, depression, mood swings, diabetes, joint damage, osteoporosis, and other side effects.

When doctors prescribe calcium supplements when you take steroids long term, they must be kidding. All the calcium supplements in the world will not stop osteoporosis unless there is a line of force through the skeleton to stimulate bone growth.

Anti-malarial drugs like Plaquenil can cause stomach pain, birth defects, blurring of vision, muscle weakness, and damage the retina of the eye. Immunosuppressive drugs like Cytoxin, Rheumatrex, and Imuran cause low whitye and blood cell counts causing an induced weakness of the immunity system, that allows for other host diseases like fungi, shingles, and serious infections, as well as other opportunistic infections. Cancer and Liver damage can also result from taking immunosuppressant drugs.

Chinese herbal medications and acupuncture are excellent in reducing medications and preventing flares and many of the natural herbals are gentler and have less side effects than the modern medications used. There are also numerous substitutes for the medications listed above.

Qigong and yoga practices can aid in stress reduction and help cool the body when proper exercises are chosen. Better diet can cause less flare ups, and in the Chinese medicine diagnosis, Lupus is considered a form of “Yin deficiency heat”, so that foods to produce the Yin fluids of the body are emphasized.

Acupuncture can reduce pain and inflammation, as well as reduce stress, without having to resort to additional drugs. Of course, proper eating, sleeping, healthy emotions, reducing stress, and exercise all play an important part in chronic disease like Lupus. I would strongly suggest all Lupus patients to find a good acupuncturist, herbalist and dietician/nutritionist to give them better quality of life.

Pasadena Acupuncturist Robert Chu will help patients with infertility, Cancer treatment related side effects, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, thyroid issues, and pain. Clinic hours are available, please call (626)345-0441 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.
Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy for Cancer Patients
by Robert CHu, L.Ac., QME, PhD

Why Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy for Cancer patients?

Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy can help those suffering with cancer to prolong life, enhance quality of life, and aid in recovery. In China, Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy are used as primary treatments for the treatment of cancer, in this country there are legal ramifications with this approach, so most western cancer patients often choose to combine their biomedical treatment with alternative therapies. They are not quite sure where to turn to and may try any treatment alleged to treat cancer, or even self medicate with herbs and other substances. Often chemotherapy, surgery and radiation cause damage to healthy tissues, as well as diseased tissues, and weakens the immune system. This is where Chinese medicine can be very helpful. Chinese herbal medicine is the therapy of choice in treating the side-effects experienced by oncological treatments, and is proven in its effectiveness.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, cancer is caused by the stagnation of energy and blood in the body due to strong emotions, poor exercise, poor diet, inadequate rest and hereditary factors which are triggered from poor health. Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy eradicates disease through the balancing and moving stagnant energy and blood.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

According to the principles of TCM, energy flows through the body via 12 primary meridians and 8 extra channels. To strengthen the flow of energy , or remove blockages in the meridians, acupuncturists insert a few disposable tiny, sterile, flexible needles just under the skin at certain specific points (called acupoints) along these channels. These acupoints are associated with specific body function, and when stimulated, they trigger the immunity system to provide almost instantaneous pain relief and cessation of symptoms ailing the patient. For example, if you are suffering from nausea and vomiting from radiation or chemotherapy, a few carefully selected points might be stimulated on your ear, scalp, hands, feet, wrist or ankle. TCM practitioners believe that acupuncture stimulates the body's internal regulatory system to nurture a natural healing response without having to directly treat the site of injury.

Acupuncture stimulates the body's internal regulatory system to nurture a natural healing response. Centuries of empirical observation indicate that acupuncture leads to real changes in the body. The insertion of acupuncture needles has an effect on the autonomic nervous system and homeostatis.

Recently, numerous studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates nerves, send a signal up the spinal cord to the brain, leading to the release of endorphins and monoamines, which are natural chemicals in the body that block pain signals. This may be one explanation why acupuncture is so good at stopping pain, but does not fully explain the healing response one has with other disorders. More research is needed to fully explain the acupuncture mechanism.

What To Expect

When first visiting a practitioner, there will be a thorough medical history inquiry, the pulse is taken on both wrists, the tongue is examined, and the body may be palpated to check the site of disease or pain. A treatment plan will be discussed.

Depending on your ailment, you may also have your first acupuncture treatment and Herbal Therapy prescription at that first visit. In general, visits occur initially two or three times a week until therapeutic results and stabilization have occurred. After that, follow up visits will be scheduled as needed. Therapeutic exercise and meditation may also be prescribed to aid in overall well being.

Does it hurt?

Acupuncture needles do not hurt like hypodermic needles used to give injections or draw blood. The needles are hair-thin, and may feel like a tiny prick or pinch upon insertion. Sterile disposable needles are always used. Once the needles are inserted, the practitioner may manipulate them manually or send a weak electrical current through them to increase the energy flow. The needles are typically retained for 20 - 45 minutes, depending on the ailment. Different people experience sensations of a "tingling", "distended", "electrical" or "full" feeling, whereas others may feel numbness or nothing at all. Most find the sessions relaxing, and fall asleep during the treatment, waking up refreshed and feeling great.

Herbal Therapy in a nutshell

In our society, herbs have now come into vogue, but there are dangers. Although herbs are natural substances, they can be dangerous if wrongly or self prescribed. Herbs are combined with other herbs of similar function to reduce the danger of toxicity and increase synergistic effect. In our clinic, we use the finest Herbal Therapy formulas in pill and powder form for convenience. There is no need to be inconvenienced by the taste, smell and time preparing raw herbs. There are also herbal lotions, liniments, herbal wraps, patches and pastes that may be used externally, depending on your condition.

Other Physical Medicine

Practitioners may also use moxibustion, a form of heat therapy on acupoints, to stimulate healing, depending upon the ailment. Other techniques include cupping, Gua Sha (scraping), massage and manipulation therapy, often complimented with dietary advice.

How soon can I expect results?

Some patients notice rapid improvement after just a few sessions. In acute pain cases, one or two treatments may lead to dramatic results. In chronic conditions that may have taken years to develop, treatment may take longer.

Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy effectively treats:

Anxiety Auto-Immune Disorders Back Pain and Sciatica Chemo and Radiation therapy Side Effects Constipation Diarrhea Dizziness Ear Pain and Ringing Eczema and other Skin Problems Edema Headaches Infections Insomnia Migraines Nausea and Vomiting Numbness and Neuropathy PAIN of all types Stress Weight loss

Does my Insurance Cover treatments?

Currently many insurance carriers cover treatments. If your insurance company has acupuncture benefits, you may qualify for treatment.

In summary:

Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy can help prevent cancer by strengthening the immunity system, insuring adequate rest, balancing strong emotions, promoting proper diet, and avoiding hereditary triggers that can lead to developing tumors. During oncological treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy can be a safe adjunct for an already taxed immunity system.

We can boost immunity, help dissolve nodules, reduce anxiety, stop headaches, treat nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lack of energy, prevent peripheral neuropathy, treat chemo induced menopause, and restore hair loss to maintain quality of life and give you time with your loved ones and put your business in order. After you've gone through treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, we can restore you to good health and help you recover from whatever symptom is ailing you.

In summary, Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy can help you before during and after treatment of cancer.

About Robert Chu, L.Ac., QME, MSOM, PhD: Robert Chu (Chu Sau Lei) began stuying the martial and Chinese healing arts since childhood. Robert is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, specializing in the Master Tung Acupuncture and Optimal Acupuncture methods in which he effectively treats pain, industrial injuries, sports injuries, and neuromusculoskeletal disorders. Dr. Chu also treats a wide variety of internal diseases including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, psoriasis, thyroid disorders, gynecological disorders and side-effects from cancer treatments.

He is appointed by the Industrial Medical Council as a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME). Dr. Chu was formerly affiliated with the St. Vincent Medical Center , as the first fulltime Acupuncturist on staff and treated cancer patients with Acupuncture, Herbal Therapy, Qigong and Tai Chi. Dr. Chu is a former faculty member of Samra University of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles, where he taught acupuncture.

He has also taught Tai Chi and Qigong at Loyola Law School . Dr. Chu also volunteers at Pasadena's Wellness Community , where he does monthly lectures for cancer patients and a weekly lifestyle/nutrition and Qi Gong class. He is occasionally featured as a speaker for the American Cancer Society .

In July of 2004, Dr. Chu was selected as the Acupuncturist to Olympic athletes at the Olympic Trials held in Sacramento, CA. Dr. Chu also lectures nationally and internationally on Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to provide continuing education to MD's and Acupuncturists. In 2003, he founded the International Association of Optimal Acupuncture and Clinical Chinese Medicine to spread his effective clinical system. He also serves as President of the ITARA - International Tung's Acupuncture Research Association, which he founded in 2005, to preserve, standardize, educate, and research new applications of the Tung family system of Acupuncture with integrity, open sharing, and a goal to help end suffering in fellow beings.

He has been decorated as an honorary member of the Finnish Traditional Chinese Medicine Society of Acupuncture and Herbs and a therapist member of the National Register of Acupuncture Therapists in Finland. Dr. Chu is also listed as a Master Practitioner of Oriental Bodywork Therapy and Master Practitioner of Tui-Na Manipulations, awarded by the International Association of Tui-Na Therapies in London, England. He has lectured at Emperor's College of TCM , CSOMA , and other functions as a dynamic and entertaining speaker.

In 2004, Robert was awarded a Ph.D. in Buddhist Ayurveda from the non-profit college Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute in Berkeley, California. Currently, 40 - 60% of Dr. Chu's practice is devoted to treating breast and prostate cancer patients.

He may be contacted at: Robert Chu, L.Ac., QME, MSOM, PhD2502 E. Washington Blvd Pasadena, CA 91104
(626) 345-0441 Cell/Voice Mail: (626) 487-1815

The Acupuncture of Master Tung

The Acupuncture of Master Tung by Robert Chu, L.Ac.

I am a practitioner of Master Tung’s Acupuncture, which differs greatly from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture that is typically taught in schools here in the USA and in China. Many people might wonder who Master Tung was, and my information here will introduce him to readers here. Master Tung Ching-chang was probably the greatest Acupuncturist in the last generation in Taiwan. So great was his fame, that he literally had over 100 patients per day which he saw in his small clinic. His fame was due to his extreme efficacy with acupuncture needles, and he only used a few per treatment.

Master Tung arrived in Taiwan after the Communists took over in China in 1949 along with Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist party and began a successful practice in Taipei, Taiwan. He was an Acupuncturist in Taiwan for 26 years, and throughout that time, he allegedly treated over 400,000 patients, with about a fourth of them treated at no charge. For these humanitarian deeds, Master Tung was decorated with an award of “Representative of Fine People and Fine Deeds” in Taiwan. As the personal acupuncturist to Taiwan President Chang Kai Shek, his reputation was so great that he was asked to visit Cambodia between 1971 and 1974 to treat Cambodian President Long Nuo, who suffered from hemiplegia due to a stroke.

Master Tung was also decorated by President Chang Kai Shek with a “Certificate of Honor” in the field of Chinese Medicine, which is an amazing accomplishment because initially the Nationalist Party was not responsive to Chinese Medicine, due to the fact that Sun Yat Sen was a Western trained physician.

Master Tung’s Acupuncture is truly a living treasure and storehouse of Chinese Medicine, untouched by modern TCM, and a glimpse into the family systems of Chinese Medicine as taught in previous generations. It is itself a conglomerate of classical acupuncture and pricking methods, flexibly applied, and proven clinically with practical, often with quick and dramatic results. Currently many practitioners of acupuncture may use a lot of needles and needle around the local area. Not so with Master Tung’s Acupuncture. For example, if a person has neck pain, a TCM trained acupuncturist would typically needle the neck area. But a Master Tung acupuncturist will apply a few needles to either the wrist, ankle, knee, shoulder, hip, or thigh to treat the pain. The advantage is very clear, as you can give feedback immediately to your acupuncturist upon insertion. When needles are in the neck, one has to wait until they are removed to give feedback! For the acupuncturist, the flexibility of the method is extremely attractive.

Done properly, Master Tung’s acupuncture is painless, quick, efficient and requires only a few treatments if problems are acute. A full range of problems are treated, including allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain and sciatica, Bell’s Palsy, bronchitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, high blood pressure, colitis, common cold and flu, constipation, diarrhea, ear pain and ringing, eczema and other skin problems, edema, frozen shoulder, GERD, headaches, IBS, impotence, insomnia, laryngitis, menstrual problems, menopause, nausea and vomiting, numbness and neuropathy, pain of all types, PMS, prostate problems, rheumatism, stress, stroke, tennis elbow, TMJ, and Trigeminal Neuralgia with just a few needles. It is almost inconceivable as to the efficacy of this form of acupuncture. In my own daily practice, I am still amazed at the immediate results I see with this system of acupuncture.

Master Tung’s Acupuncture in the USA is practiced by Young Wei-chieh of Rowland Heights, CA, Esther Su of San Jose, CA, Jim Maher of Oklahoma City, OK, and myself. I had the fortune of learning from Young Wei-chieh and Esther Su, and did extensive research in this system of acupuncture and practice it daily in Pasadena, CA.

Currently, I am sharing with this great system with acupuncturists and Medical Doctors nationally and internationally through my organization called ITARA - International Tung’s Acupuncture Research Association. We seek to preserve, educate, research and pass on the legacy of Master Tung’s work through seminars, private trainings, and other mediums. As students and practitioners of Master Tung’s Acupuncture, our practice is to benefit others in a practical, simple, direct, economical manner and it is hoped that the reader can use seek out a Master Tung Acupuncture practitioner to experience these amazing points - the same points I use daily in my clinic with amazing results!

Pasadena Acupuncturist Robert Chu will help patients with infertility, Cancer treatment related side effects, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, thyroid issues, and pain. Clinic hours are available, please call (626)345-0441 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.

Advice for Acne

Advice for Acne

For a clearer complexion… by Dr. Robert Chu

Contrary to modern medicine’s assessment that sugar or chocolate does not cause acne, in the Chinese Medicine paradigm if you ingest substances that are excessively sweet, spicy and greasy, they will cause Damp-Heat in the body.

Throughout my articles I discuss the poetic nature of Chinese Medicine and the various syndromes that are labeled in metaphoric terms. Dampness in the body is caused by consuming sweet flavors. When the dampness in the body persists for a while, it may cause additional heat, causing a combination of Damp-Heat in the body. Damp Heat signs and symptoms include oily skin, aversion to heat, thirst, red tongue with greasy coating, and a rapid, wiry pulse. This, of course, can lead to red inflamed acne filled with pus. In Chinese medicine terms, the red, inflamed is heat; the pus is dampness and toxins. To solve the problem, Chinese Medicine strives for balance in the body and wants to take away excessive dampness, heat and toxins to bring the body back to proper homeostasis.

During the adolescent years, teenagers may consume a lot of junk food – often with excessive intake of sugary beverages like sodas, sports drinks and juices, greasy foods like pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, cheese steaks, french fries and spicy foods like salsa, chips, burritos and tacos. I am not singling out the fast food industry, but I am pointing out the potential risks that such a diet can hold for an unsuspecting individual. Adding chocolate, candy and other empty calorie foods, one can easily have a face full of zits and pustular acne. Coffee, especially with cream and sugar can also increase damp heat. Alcohol consumption also produces dampness and heat in the body, plus it breaks down into sugar during digestion. Spicy foods add to heat, sugary foods add to dampness, and greasy foods also contribute to dampness. So with this combination, the resulting damp heat in the body can lead to acne.

The best thing is a change in diet. Eating foods that are less greasy and less heat producing can clear the skin. Certain foods have heat clearing properties. For example, cucumbers are cooling and provide moisture. Bitter vegetables like spinach, chicory, kale, watercress can also clear heat from the body. Eating salads and steamed vegetables will clear out excessive oily or greasy diet, and also cool the body down. Less consumption of meats, also cuts down on the greasy properties which build up in the body. Avoiding excessive sugary drinks and more intake of water can lead to clearer skin.

Herbs and acupuncture can be done to release the damp heat and toxins in the body. Herbs such as Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis), Huang Qin (Radix Scutellariae), Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae), and Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) are common herbs that clear damp heat and toxins in the body. The Chinese herbal preparations Huang Lian Jie Du Pian, Huang Qin Shang Qing Wan and Si Huang Pian are commonly used in the treatment of acne. Acupuncture would not be applied to the face, but rather, to the hands and feet and mostly in the stomach and large intestine channels, especially when done by a Tung Acupuncture practitioner. It would best to contact with a licensed acupuncturist and/or herbalist to consult about this. Taking antibiotics can ruin the intestinal flora and lead to issues such as gas, flatulence, bloating, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, indigestion and a host of other problems, so it may not be the best idea to take antibiotics for clearing up acne.

So the solution is not more acne clearing cleansers, antibiotics, face masks or chemical peels, but a more regulated diet. Add to that, proper rest, as this serves to rejuvenate the body. Exercise also benefits a clear complexion, as it serves to help rid toxins in the body. Having less stress and good emotions, can also help. If you are not able to avoid stress, at least change the way you react to stress. Stress and strong emotions leads to heat and toxins in the body. By having a balanced diet, proper rest, good exercise, reducing stress, one can enjoy beautiful radiant skin.

Pasadena Acupuncturist Robert Chu will help patients with infertility, Cancer treatment related side effects, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, thyroid issues, and pain. Clinic hours are available, please call (626)345-0441 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.

On Proper Diet

On Proper Diet

Much of proper diet and losing weight is watching your diet!
Avoid excessive carbs - chips, pizza, bread, breadsticks, pasta, rice, tortillas, burritos, tacos, soft drinks – these are simple carbs, and have little nutritional value. You need complex carbs (vegetables and fruits) to stay alive, roughly 30-40% per meal - but overdoing with simple carbs is unnecessary.

Read the labels! Anything with artifical anything is bad for you, treat anything with high fructose corn syrup as poison. Sugar is better than both of these things!

Avoid any foods with artifical color, flavor, sweeteners, and preservatives, as well as ingredients you don’t know or can’t pronounce. Avoid enriched white flour, transfatty acids and triglycerides.

Eat more foods without labels: Try to eat fresh, organic foods like fruits, carrot sticks, celery, almonds (unsalted and unflavored), walnuts, raisins, dried fruits as snacks...

Limit yourself to maybe 1 day a week of eating what you want without worry!
Eat only about 2/3 full. But eat 6 – 8 times a day.

All you can eat buffets are deadly!

Set time bound, measurable goals - realistically! If you only think your goal is weight loss, that is wrong, as muscle weighs more than fat. You have to look at your BMI (Body Mass Index), blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, clothing size, weight, and overall fitness.

Pasadena Acupuncturist Robert Chu will help patients with infertility, Cancer treatment related side effects, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, thyroid issues, and pain. Clinic hours are available, please call (626)345-0441 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.