Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ask Dr. Chu....Fibromyalgia

Ask Dr. Chu....Fibromyalgia

Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 02:35 PM - Health & HealingQuestion: I have been suffering with fibromyalgia for 15 years now. My body hurts in so many places that sometimes I can't image a life without pain. I used to be active, jog, garden... and now all I can do is small amounts, nothing vigorous. I heard from a friend that acupuncture might be able to help with this condition. Is this really true?

Answer: Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal therapy can certainly help! Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue are related sets of syndromes in Chinese Medicine. We look at it as problems related to the Defensive Energy deficiency, or lack of Spleen and Stomach channel energy, or even wind, cold and dampness affecting the body. If poor diet, lack of exercise, too much stress, unhealthy emotions, inadequate rest, too much stress, and even poor fashion happens, this can lead to what your experiencing. While I'm not the fashion police, what I mean is dressing appropriately for the weather, and not going around barefoot on cold surfaces and wet hair, which can weaken your body's immunity system. In general, you'd have to go for an initial consultation to see which system is overburdened and not in harmony. By doing some simple lifestyle changes, taking prescribed herbals for 2- 3 months and acupuncture treatments twice a week, we can have you back to your pain free and active self!

Robert Chu, PhD, L.Ac., QME
2502 East Washington Boulevard
Pasadena, CA 91104 U.S.A.
(626) 345-0441 Clinic
(626) 487-1815 Cell/VM

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